Senin, 23 Maret 2009

How Caring for Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua dog is a descendant of a dog that is quite difficult to develop. It takes a special experience, knowledge and diligence to guard. The size of the normal weight of 90 grams and the more weight the more. If the puppy-sized 90 grams of the above, you may feel a bit relieved because of the opportunity of their lives more. The size of the good. If the smaller the possibility to live the more difficult.

Things to note Chihuahua puppy for a new born:

· Put them in a warm place. Stack can use some towels that are placed under the bottom of the bed. Can also use about 10-15 watt lamp and placed 40 cm from the pup. Or can be placed on a warm object.

· Try to keep healthy parent remain with the add portion of food. When you use the dog food, you must replace it with the puppies (for protein for children). Situation often found that parent does not want to eat when breastfeeding. You can try to add a feed or food with beef or chicken so that the parent would like to eat. When the milk is out of the mother is less then the mother can be given vitamin. Dose necessary to Veterinarians consulted. And when the pup is over 10 days, can be given milk formula suitable measure. This is only done when the mother's milk is not sufficient.

· During the 2-3 hours, you should check the parent and child. Children must be with the dog suckle enough. Try grapple stomach, if still empty, you must force to suckle again. When the stomach is hard, it means he has suckle well. For the puppy can not suckle their own, you should be extra guard. Must be held while pressing the nipple so that the parent can lick it. If he can savor and suck milk refrain emphasis parent, because he would choke and die. Let him suck your own, you can just touch that can not be separated from the main stalk.

· The first 10 days of age is still vulnerable, so you must carefully guard.

· Age 20 days the child began to have a dog already immune and can open his eyes. Or they start learning to crawl and stand. Moment this is awaited. Supervision could be reduced if the puppy has enough suckle their own.

· Children aged 1 month dog is strong enough to be fed in addition to preparing themselves separate from the parent. First you can use the pulp under the age of the baby 6 months. Give porridge 1 x day for 2 days, then 2 x day for 4 days (can be mixed with dog food that has been clear that the). Take your child to gradually consume dog food only.

· Separating the child from the mother dog may not be sudden. Son of a dog can be in separate pens and fed dog food soft 4x a day. Try every day to suckle at the mother-of-1x. Do not be left up to parent 24 hours without suckle, milk, because the water will be stale and toxic to children. Continue to do 2-3 days. After it was all consumed puppy dog food.

· Usually the mother is weak, can not shiver because milk out. This is reasonable; you do not need to worry. You can help reduce the pain by pressing the mamma gland towel with warm water that drabble. Do 2-3x a day.

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