Jumat, 16 April 2010

Appearance of Kintamani Dog


Common fur colors include white, beige, and black. Now officially recognized as a separate canine breed, the Kintamani looks something like a mix between the Samoyed and a solid white Malamute. Breeders often confine the dogs to cold dark caves near the Kintamani volcano, insisting it an essential step in developing the thick white coat of Bali's only official breed.

The typical physical appearances of Kintamani and Bali street dogs. The withers height of the female Kintamani dog is 40–50 cm, 45–55 cm for the male. The stature of the Bali street dog is similar. The desired physical traits of the Kintamani dog include erect ears, forwardly curved tail held at the midline, medium to longhaired coat, almond-shaped brown eyes, and black skin pigment. The most desired coat color is white with apricot-tipped ears. However, other coat colors, such as black, are accepted. Bali street dogs come in many colors and coat patterns, and they are almost always shorthaired and straight to curve tailed. Both still whelp in burrows dug into the earth, a feral dog trait. However, the Bali street dog cannot be reliably tamed, even when taken as a puppy. In contrast, the Kintamani dog is gentle around people, yet retains enough assertive behavior to render it a noteworthy (but not vicious) watchdog.