Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Anjing cantik dan seksi

Pulau Bali yang menawan sangat didukung oleh budayanya. Budaya yang melekat dengan kehidupan orang bali tidak ditemukan di daerah lain. Budaya di Bali berdasarkan atas prinsip Agama Hindu. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan kebudayaan orang Bali tidak lekang oleh waktu dan tidak hilang oleh kemajuan jaman. Alamnya yang indah dan orangnya yang ramah sangat mendukung kebudayaan bali. Walaupun akhir-akhir ini banyak orang dari luar bali yang merusak Bali termasuk kaum teroris, namun kebudayaan bali tetap berdiri tegak.

Aneka hayati yang ada di Bali juga mendukung kebudayaan bali. Pulau Bali dikenal dengan jalak putih (jalak bali). Jalak bali ini hanya ditemukan di bali. Sapi bali hanya terdapat di bali. Sekarang ini sapi bali mulai dikembangkan ke pelosok Indonesia. Hal ini karena sapi bali punya banyak keunggulan. Di Bali juga ditemukan anjing yang punya karakteristik yang berbeda dengan anjing lainnya di dunia. Anjing bali punya kelebihan dibandingkan dengan anjing lainnya.
  1. Tampilannya cantik lincah dan menarik
  2. Ukurannya tidak terlalu besar dan tidak terlalu kecil
  3. Perawatann ya gampang
  4. Makanannya sangat sederhana dan tidak perlu memberikan pakan yang mahal.
  5. Berguna sebagai pemburu, penjaga, hewan hias, dan teman bermain.
Secara morfometrik anjing bali sangat ideal. Badannya yang tidak terlalu besar dan bulunya yang tidak terlalu panjang sangat mudah dalam perawatan. Tampilannya yang lucu akan tidak berkesan angker. Anjing ini tidak terlalu menakutkan bagi orang-orang. Perawatan anjing bali tidak terlalu rumit. Anjing ini cukup dimandikan 3 kali seminggu. Akan lebih bagus jika dipakai samphoo yang khusus untuk anjing. Pemberian makan juga sangat mudah dan gampang. Kita tidak perlu menyediakan pakan anjing. Cukup diberikan makanan yang kita makan sehari-hari. Semangkok nasi dengan sedikit daging akan dimakan dengan lahap. Pemberian makan cukup dua kali sehari pada siang hari dan sore hari.

Anjing bali punya manfaat cukup banyak. Awal-awalnya anjing ini dimanfaatkan sebagai anjing pemburu. Anjing ini diajak pergi ke hutan untuk membantu mendapatkan buruan. Sekarang inipun sifat berburu anjing bali masih kelihatan. Anjing akan kelihatan gusar dan akan menyerang apa saja yang dianggap mengganggunya. Tikus dan kucing anjing takut jika berhadapan dengan anjing. Bahkan sering anjing bali ini dipakai sebagai alat berburu tikus.

Tampilannya yang elok dan intelegensinya yang tinggi merupakan sarana untuk bermain. Anjing bali cukup cantik dan seksi. Karena kecantikannya maka sering dicari-cari para penggemar anjing. Harganyapun mulai melaonjak naik. Untuk mendapatkan seekor anjing kita cukup mengeluarkan uang sekitar Rp. 1.000.000,- Anjing bali pintar jika dilatih melakukan sesuatu. Bermain bola, meloncati tali dan naik turun tangga merupakan sarana yang mudah dilakukan oleh anjing.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

How Caring for Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua dog is a descendant of a dog that is quite difficult to develop. It takes a special experience, knowledge and diligence to guard. The size of the normal weight of 90 grams and the more weight the more. If the puppy-sized 90 grams of the above, you may feel a bit relieved because of the opportunity of their lives more. The size of the good. If the smaller the possibility to live the more difficult.

Things to note Chihuahua puppy for a new born:

· Put them in a warm place. Stack can use some towels that are placed under the bottom of the bed. Can also use about 10-15 watt lamp and placed 40 cm from the pup. Or can be placed on a warm object.

· Try to keep healthy parent remain with the add portion of food. When you use the dog food, you must replace it with the puppies (for protein for children). Situation often found that parent does not want to eat when breastfeeding. You can try to add a feed or food with beef or chicken so that the parent would like to eat. When the milk is out of the mother is less then the mother can be given vitamin. Dose necessary to Veterinarians consulted. And when the pup is over 10 days, can be given milk formula suitable measure. This is only done when the mother's milk is not sufficient.

· During the 2-3 hours, you should check the parent and child. Children must be with the dog suckle enough. Try grapple stomach, if still empty, you must force to suckle again. When the stomach is hard, it means he has suckle well. For the puppy can not suckle their own, you should be extra guard. Must be held while pressing the nipple so that the parent can lick it. If he can savor and suck milk refrain emphasis parent, because he would choke and die. Let him suck your own, you can just touch that can not be separated from the main stalk.

· The first 10 days of age is still vulnerable, so you must carefully guard.

· Age 20 days the child began to have a dog already immune and can open his eyes. Or they start learning to crawl and stand. Moment this is awaited. Supervision could be reduced if the puppy has enough suckle their own.

· Children aged 1 month dog is strong enough to be fed in addition to preparing themselves separate from the parent. First you can use the pulp under the age of the baby 6 months. Give porridge 1 x day for 2 days, then 2 x day for 4 days (can be mixed with dog food that has been clear that the). Take your child to gradually consume dog food only.

· Separating the child from the mother dog may not be sudden. Son of a dog can be in separate pens and fed dog food soft 4x a day. Try every day to suckle at the mother-of-1x. Do not be left up to parent 24 hours without suckle, milk, because the water will be stale and toxic to children. Continue to do 2-3 days. After it was all consumed puppy dog food.

· Usually the mother is weak, can not shiver because milk out. This is reasonable; you do not need to worry. You can help reduce the pain by pressing the mamma gland towel with warm water that drabble. Do 2-3x a day.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Caring for children dog

Often happens that our sick puppy. We will be confused because they did not know that we will do. Mother dog will know more what is best for their children. But if they are sick, then we must help find a way out. The best way you can do is observe once every 3 hours. The more often the better will be monitored.

Note the condition of your skin pup. Dogs are healthy, pink skin and smooth hair. Nose wet nose and the hole remains open. A healthy puppy will cry when they are hungry, cold, or separate from the group. But they will soon fall silent when the condition is not good. This is because they can not manage their body temperature. Son of a healthy dog will menyempatkan time to move and sleep. While asleep, they will be pushed to suckle or move to a mother. A sick pup will not be pushed to suckle, even near their mother at the nipple. They will sway and cry when they are appointed.
If you find a puppy cold, then they need to warm slowly. Never immerse the body of your pup into the water is warm because the hair is still wet, and he will be cold. Problems also occur when you use the heating assistance, a hot water bottle, or other tools. The tool can burn the skin of children is a dog.

The best that can be done is put the pup between your body and clothing, where the puppy's body will add warm, safe and better. Do not feed the puppy in the cold because the digestive system in a cold puppy really ugly. Find the problem and anticipate the type of help is the first, but if it continues, things to do is take it to Veterinarians. Hopefully all your puppy healthy.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

Selecting a dog

Not difficult to obtain various types of dog you want at this time. Almost certainly provide every pet shop dogs, and there are options offered by the seller of the dog through the ads in newspapers, in magazines or in special dog. Options are quite diverse. However, before buying the options and determine, if a candidate does not know the first owner of the lack, excess, character, health and other aspects related to the type of dog that will be selected. In addition, there are special considerations that can not be ignored among other conditions, such as the number of family members of the family, their joy, living environment, and time available.

One of the suggestions can be considered before choosing a dog is kept for, do not take conclusions too quickly. Physical form of the lion-dog, good color, or because a dog has a loud voice that can make uncomfortable. Dogs have a special nature, different from the cat, horse or bird. Dogs are able to interact closely with humans. Even dogs often have very close emotional relationship with the employer and other family members. A dog does not just recognize the good with the employer. But can be met with the people close to the employer and the employer goods such as cars, home environment, motorcycles, clothes or even the employer.

Meanwhile, the error selecting and maintaining an impact on the dog. This is because a dog is able to adapt to their environment, so choose a good dog then you need to consider is matching the growth of a dog, pet dog is not a coward, hotheaded, and various other nature. A limited time should choose a dog that is easily treated. Select furry dogs are short and size. Thus, the most likely choice will fall on the type of dog Labrador, Dalmatian, Basset Hound or a local dog. Will be different if we lived in the home row, the possibility of a more fitting choice for him is a Basset Hound, PUG, Dachsund, or Dalmatian.

With the increase in the aspects considered, both from the point of potential owners or dog, then the better will be easier in the future. Live, how you build a positive socialization and intense with this new carib. When the choice of the type that will be selected has been steady, there are some things that can also be advice for prospective owners. This relates to the general conditions found in the dog. Please note that the nature of mother and father will be reduced to the sons of dogs. However, nature will be more visible on the nature of detail that tends to vary. Often can be seen, although one parent, some children dog tails show different nature may be one of the children, including children intrepid but the others look craven.

The recommended age for a dog is 2 or 3 days because the dog at the age of this behavior are not yet established, and will more easily be formed in accordance with the expectations of owners. Accuracy of a prospective owner is very much determined the choice. But also, it is necessary for an adequate quality health care for the dog. Here are some signs that can be avoided, such as the dirt in the eyes, ears wet hole. The liquids that drip through the nose, either visible or still liquid has changed into thick as an indication that the child is dog breath channel interference.

Another thing that can be is also the anus hole, when the plume around the anus each attached, then the dog is contract diarrhea. While the rib and the spine is a prominent signs that a dog lean. Dogs are a lot of lice indicated that he gets less attention, while the color of mucous in the gum that pale color is a sign that the puppy suffered from anemia. This situation can be caused by too many worms or lice. For better, and know exactly the condition of a dog's health. The best things you can do is to consult veterinarian.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Tips Choosing a dog food

  1. Protein content: Choose a dogfood that has a protein content of less than 30%. In tropical countries such as Indonesia, the dog does not need high protein. Excess protein will cause the itch-itch, such as crooked legs bone calcium deficiency, kidney stones.
  2. Fat content: fat content of most good for the dogs in our country around 12% - 20%. For dogs that pencernaannya less good, like diarrhea dogfood should be selected that low-fat berkadar.
  3. Do not be affected by the excessive promotion of dogfood with famous brands. Because not match. Give us dogfood pet dog is the best and most suitable for it, although not a famous brand.
  4. Select dogfood that expiration date is still long.
  5. Give food to the trial of about 2 sunday, sunday, if not 2 in the visible interference dogfood means are appropriate.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Tips to buy a dog

  1. Buy puppy at the breeder directly
  2. Check the dog's environment hygiene. If the dirty and the smell should search elsewhere. This marks the breeder is grubby. Dogs will not grow well at the grubby contains as many germs and bacteria.
  3. See the parent dogs that will be purchased. Anatomy and the nature of the puppy purchased will usually similar mother. Check the specific nature, whether the mother ferocious, aggressive, smart or pain. This can decrease the child.
  4. Check for dog skin conditions that will be purchased. If there is deviation, such as injury, ulceration should not be purchased. Usually bad breeder will have puppy dog fight with other children if there is visible injury or ulceration. Children who fight dogs or children playing with other dogs usually do not cause injury. Injuries occurred when children have a dog skin disease, he will continue to claw abrasions.
  5. Before buying a puppy, check the taste eat. Dogs up to age 4 months, if certain conditions it greedily. He will eat even though the new fed. If the dog you will not want to buy a meal or eat a low taste. Dog is not healthy. If the dog is passed the test meal, wait a while until the dog's waste sewage. Make sure kotorannya out in the form of a solid. If not kotorannya compact, possibly a dog has digestive problems.
  6. A dog that you buy already vaccinated.
  7. There are at least 1 health warranty sunday since the date of purchase.
  8. Remember! Do not because you are too impetuous to buy a dog until your child is not considering the things mentioned above. Many people who get problems like this in the future.