Selasa, 24 November 2015
Udayana Vet Clinic
Udayana Vet Clinic berlokasi di Kabupaten Badung selatan tepatnya di Nuansa Udayana I/11a Taman Griya Jimbaran Badung Bali.
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015
Dog Behavior Problems
Dog behavior problems occur due to many reasons. The most common of these dog behavior problems are whining, picking up fights with other dogs, excessive barking and in extreme cases, biting. There are a number of reasons behind these dog behavior problems, depending on the breed and needs of the dog. One of the most common reasons of dog behavior problems is separation from their family at a ver small age. The mother is the best teacher for her child, and the dog loses this training if he's taken away from the family.
Aggressive behavior is also a serious dog behavior problem. Dogs with a behavior problem sometime have a aggressive behavior. These dogs can either have fear aggression, domination aggression, or territorial or overprotective aggression. Dogs with fear aggression will be easily frightened and be nervous at all times of the day. Dogs with fear aggression respond to anything with a paranoia. For example, a ringing doorbell will be a sure sign of impending doom for them.
Dogs with domination aggression will be unpredictable and very dangerous. These dogs will either bully any one, one particular person or even other dogs. Other dogs also have a territorial aggression and are overprotective of their areas. These dogs pose a risk to anyone entering their territory. Other symptoms of dog behavior problem show are whining, excessive barking, picking up fights, biting and relieving themselves indoors. There are a number of reasons behind these dog behavior problems. Most of them are simple reasons and can be solved simply if the owner spends some time with the dogs. A dog with a behaviorial problem may simply be treated inhumanely by the owner. The dog may be experiencing hours of being locked up in the home all alone, or may not be taken out by its owner at all.
Dog behavior is a serious issue and may cause serious repercussions to the owner as well as the pet. Though dog behavior problems may just seem to minor irritants for a while, truth is that extreme cases of dog actions due to dog behavior problems have also resulted in death. Dog behavior problems should not be ignored. Dog owners should reprimand dogs whenever they display symptoms of dog behavior problems. One can also go through disciplinary training, so that the dog is trained properly. Dogs are known to be man's best friend. Therefore, needless to say, dogs need companionship. Boredom is another big cause of behavior problems in dogs. If a dog is bored, he may commit actions that are destructive in the eyes of others, like digging up a garden or even barking incessantly at people they recognize.
One another solution to dog behavior problems is exercise. Exercise is the mainstay in any pet's life. A good brisk walk with their owner in the evenings does a lot to buoy a dog's spirits. Along with exercise, the owners should also take the dogs out for a jog or play a zestful game like fetch with their pets. This is a good way of making the dog use up all their pent up energy. Dogs should also be given a number of toys to keep them busy. Dogs are generally busybodies and keeping them bored will cause them to have dog behavioral problems.
Rabu, 08 Juli 2015
Pemilihan Ketua Cabang PDHI Bali
Jumat, 16 April 2010
Appearance of Kintamani Dog
Common fur colors include white, beige, and black. Now officially recognized as a separate canine breed, the Kintamani looks something like a mix between the Samoyed and a solid white Malamute. Breeders often confine the dogs to cold dark caves near the Kintamani volcano, insisting it an essential step in developing the thick white coat of Bali's only official breed.
The typical physical appearances of Kintamani and Bali street dogs. The withers height of the female Kintamani dog is 40–50 cm, 45–55 cm for the male. The stature of the Bali street dog is similar. The desired physical traits of the Kintamani dog include erect ears, forwardly curved tail held at the midline, medium to longhaired coat, almond-shaped brown eyes, and black skin pigment. The most desired coat color is white with apricot-tipped ears. However, other coat colors, such as black, are accepted. Bali street dogs come in many colors and coat patterns, and they are almost always shorthaired and straight to curve tailed. Both still whelp in burrows dug into the earth, a feral dog trait. However, the Bali street dog cannot be reliably tamed, even when taken as a puppy. In contrast, the Kintamani dog is gentle around people, yet retains enough assertive behavior to render it a noteworthy (but not vicious) watchdog.
Senin, 01 Februari 2010
Kintamani Dogs
The Kintamani is a dog breed native to the Indonesian island of Bali. The Kintamani dog is an evolving breed indigenous to the Kintamani region of Bali. Kintamani dogs cohabitate with feral Bali street dogs, although folklore has the breed originating 600 years ago from a Chinese Chow Chow. The physical and personality characteristics of the Kintamani dog make it a popular pet for the Balinese, and efforts are currently under way to have the dog accepted by the Federation Cynologique Internationale as a recognized breed. To study the genetic background of the Kintamani dog, 31 highly polymorphic short tandem repeat markers were analyzed in Kintamani dogs, Bali street dogs, Australian dingoes, and nine American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized breeds of Asian or European origin. The Kintamani dog was identical to the Bali street dog at all but three loci. The Bali street dog and Kintamani dog were most closely aligned with the Australian dingo and distantly related to AKC recognized breeds of Asian but not European origin. Therefore, the Kintamani dog has evolved from Balinese feral dogs with little loss of genetic diversity.
Kintamani Dogs have a distinctive form and character which sets them apart from the average village dog. Whilst they live much the same kind of life as an average village dog, Kintamani dogs have longer hair and dig holes in which to nest their young. Some even live in small caves among the boulders around Kintamani. Nowadays, these good-looking dogs are increasingly sought after as pets. They have a broad face, a flat forehead and flat cheeks. In this way, they resemble the Chinese mountain dog, the Chow Chow, to which recent genetic studies have confirmed; the Kintamani Dog is distantly related.
Minggu, 12 Juli 2009
Dog Behavior Tip Sheets

Maybe your puppy hasn't grasped the concept of housetraining quite yet, or perhaps your dog doesn't understand why jumping the fence isn't an approved activity. Whatever "issues" you or your pet may have, we have information that can help you address them. Our tip sheets are designed to empower pet caregivers to solve the problems that threaten their relationships with their companion animals.
Solving your dog's behavior problems may take a renewed commitment on your part, but it can be done. And it's worth it. After all, research shows that most dogs and cats are relinquished to animal shelters—or otherwise given up—because of common behavior problems their families didn't know how to solve.
Don't let challenges threaten the bonds you have with your faithful canine companion. With some effort and patience, and the advice on these tip sheets, you can address problem behaviors and keep your dog where he or she belongs—with you.
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009
Anjing Di Dalam Anjing
Kasus ini terjadi di Inggris. Kejadiannya terjadai pada anjing jenis spaniel bernama Alfie menelan boneka anak anjing. Pemilik anjing tersebut, Joanne Dutton, dan putrinya, Madeline (7), tak menyangka setelah melihat sebuah boneka anak anjing di dalam tubuh Alfie melalui gambar sinar-X yang mengungkap penyebab penyakit hewan peliharaannya itu.
"Anjing jantan ini belakangan menolak makan atau minum dan jatuh sakit," kata Joanne. "Tak seperti biasanya, Alfie tampak murung. Oleh karenanya, kami membawanya ke dokter hewan," tutur pemilik anjing yang menetap di Wilmslow, Cheshire, ini.
"Ternyata sakit yang dialami anjing ini di sekitar perutnya berasal dari boneka anjing Madeline. Alfie menyusup masuk ke kamar Madeline dan mengambil boneka itu dari rak boneka sebelum menelannya," ungkap Joanne.
"Hasil gambar sinar-X jelas menunjukkan apa yang telah ditelannya dan benda yang ada di dalam tubuhnya itu berhasil dikeluarkan beberapa jam seusai dilangsungkan operasi," kata dokter hewan Mark Allington. "Alfie saat ini telah normal dan mulai kembali aktif berlarian," ujar Joanne mengakui kesembuhan hewan peliharaannya itu (Sumber : Kompas)